Array in report is uneditable

SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
Dear All,

In a report I'm developing I'm encountering rather unusual behavior.
An global array of integers: NoOfDoc with dimensions 3,6 appears to be uneditable.
While using the debugger to find out what was wrong, I noticed that in the codesnipped below NoOfDoc is not altered anywhere.
  IF CustLedgEntry2.FIND('+') THEN
      j:= CustLedgEntry2."Document Type";
      IF  j>0 THEN
        NoOfDoc[i][j] := NoOfDoc[i][j] + 1;
And this was monitored with the debugger, so NoOfDocs was initialized.
Any modification: even with dummy code like NoOfDocs[2][4] := 8; did not modify the array.
Has anybody experienced this kind of behaviour?

Version might be important: 5.0 SP1

NoOfDocs was a local and global variable, in the debugger watch was the global, and hovering doesn't help either because it will only show the value of the first item in the array.
When the local variable was deleted the behavior disappeared.
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