How to fix Groupfooter in the bootom of the report

ChowdaryChowdary Member Posts: 148

Hi Friends,

I got to print cash receipt report, am printing Group totals with some data in my Groupfooter section of the pre-printed report.

The totals are showing well, but there is some problem with this Groupfooter, that it is moving up/dpwn, next page some times depends on the number of line printed in the body sectioninstead of fixed at the boottom.

You may say it's a stupid question :-$ , I knew that Groupfooter will move, still got to fix this :cry:

How to fix this?

any ideas would be appreciated =D>

Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work


  • mabl4367mabl4367 Member Posts: 143
    Where should the footers be placed if threre are two of them? There may be two or more group footers in the same page if the groups are small. They can not boath be att the bottom of the page.

    If you set the property "New page per group" to true on the dataitem you can use a footer-section with "Print on every page"=true instead of the groupfooter.
  • ChowdaryChowdary Member Posts: 148
    Hi All,

    Thanks for reading in,

    I got solution, for the above, that is

    I have replaced my Groupfooter section to footer section(fyi: I had only one Groupfooter)

    In the footer properties set palce in bottom to Yes.

    To get the Groupfooter values to be printed in footer( i.e., to restrict footer to add up totals for all customers):
    in Groupfooter section take a variable of decimal and write the following code

    if DecimalVar = 0 then
    DecimalVar += RecVar.Amount
    else begin
    DecimalVar := 0;
    DecimalVar += RecVar.Amount;

    Note: DecimalVar is my variable, RecVar.Amount is my amount field from table

    And, finally place this variable in the footer section, we will get same result as we got in the Groupfooter.

    Hope it helps

    Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work
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