Using BOMs with LOT tracking

ak2004ak2004 Member Posts: 5
Hi to all
I am trying to create some units of a BOM item using a BOM Journal.
We have already defined the items (using lot number item tracking for them) that constitute the BOM (Bill of Materials). Is it possible to choose the lot numbers from which we will pick the items that are included in the Bill of Materials?
Thanks in advance


  • PDPD Member Posts: 4
    Unfortunately it's impossible even with Navision 4.0, you can't specify Item Tracking for items in the BOM components. It could be done with additional customizations, you can ask for your NSC. In the case you wanna do it manually, use the Item Journal instead: make a Possitive Adjmt. for BOM item and make Negative Adjmt. for all of its components, LOTs can be specified here.

  • ak2004ak2004 Member Posts: 5
    Hi there,
    Thanks a lot for your help!
    We will need a more complicated solution as we need to be able to track the constituent items of the BOM item and their lot numbers.
    Anyway, thanks again.
  • Timo_LässerTimo_Lässer Member Posts: 481
    Has anyone additional tipps & tricks how it could be done with the BOM Jnl. Line?
    Timo Lässer
    Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer since 1997 - German Microsoft Dynamics Community - member of [clip]
  • MalajloMalajlo Member Posts: 294
    It's not possible to do item tracing using BOM without modifycations
    But you can do it using Item journal.

    Posting BOM is same as doing it by-hand.

    In first line with BOM item set entry type as "Negative adjustment", explode BOm and change line with BOM item to "Positive adjustment" (enter posting date and check amounts).

    In Item journal you can use all functions for Item tracking.
  • Timo_LässerTimo_Lässer Member Posts: 481
    Malajlo wrote:
    In first line with BOM item set entry type as "Negative adjustment", explode BOm and change line with BOM item to "Positive adjustment" (enter posting date and check amounts).
    This is exactly the way I solved this problem, too.
    The trick is to set the entry type for the BOM to "Negative adjustment" and explode it, so all components are set to "Negative Adjustment".
    Now you only must change the BOM to "Positive Adjustment" and enter the missing data. This is easier than to correct the data for all components.

    Thanks for your answer also I solved this by myself.
    (Sorry, I forgot to post this workaround here.)

    The official answer from Microsoft is to use the Production BOM or to do it with the Item Journal as described above.

    There are also 2 product suggestions for this:
    Possibility to use Item Tracking for Components in BOM Journal
    Allocate serial no. to BOM component when processing BOM journal
    Timo Lässer
    Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer since 1997 - German Microsoft Dynamics Community - member of [clip]
  • jreynoldsjreynolds Member Posts: 175
    If you go one step further with this and create the proper BOM Ledger and BOM Register entries then adjust cost will work for these adjustments(that is, an adjustment to any of the negative entries will flow to the positive entry).
  • FeiFeiyazFeiFeiyaz Member Posts: 1
    Using the positive and negative adj in item journal to do BOM, so able to key in serial no. seems like is using the stock adjustment account to bal up the entries. what if stock write off (adjustment) need to be done during the year end, is it means that user have to change the stock adjutment account in gen posting to stock adj, for lump together with the
    Lump together with those figures when doing negative and postive adjustment for BOM. :?
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