On PartnerSource the Product Downloads for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 page however says:made available for download on PartnerSource at a later time.
So my question is: is NABT still not available? If not (so it IS available) where to get it from?Release postponed.
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
But rather than the BMT I would use the new Testing codeunits.
You write test functions as C/AL code in the test codeunits. When a test codeunit runs, it executes the OnRun function and then executes each test function in the codeunit, records the outcome in a log, and displays the results in a message window. The outcome of a test function is either SUCCESS or FAILURE. If any error is raised by either the code that is being tested or the test code, then the outcome is FAILURE, and the error is included in the results log.
Even if the outcome of one test function is FAILURE, the next test functions are still executed.
The functions in a test codeunit are one of the following types:
Test function
Handler function
Normal function
See here for testing CU:
Test Automation and Test Data
http://blogs.msdn.com/b/nav/archive/201 ... -data.aspx
Testing the Application Dynamics NAV
How to: Create Test Codeunits and Test Functions
Reply sofar:
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
For NAV2009/2013 there is Application Test Toolkit which tests provided codeunits thoroughly. But this test is not intended to simulate real working environment but rather to test code (as far as I understood).
On the other hand, for Navision 4.0 there is Application Benchmark Toolkit which is intended to simulate real working environment and even concurrency benchmarking for numbers of users (which is limited to number of clients tester could open in his development or working environment and some manual setups and job). And this toolkit could be translated to RTC client easily, apparently.
My question would be, is it better to use application test toolkit for concurrency benchmarking of NAV or modified benchmark toolkit?
Is there any other solution to benchmark concurrency, for example to use web interface (NAV2013) and build testing tool for web client?