transfer customized reports from Nav 4.0 to Nav 5.0

ernesternest Member Posts: 162
Hi all

I was using Navision 4.0. We wanted to upgrade to Navision 5.0, and the upgrade was done normally, but we had a license problem. Since the customer wanted to do another physical inventory, we agreed with him to create another company from the beginning and migrate items and balances to the new company.

We created a new company and did a new installation with Navision 5.0 and did migrate all items and balances. But we have a lot of customized reports in Navision 4.0 and want to transfer them to the new installation.

Can you please suggest how can we accomplish that?

Thank you and best regards


  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    I don't understand. Export the objects from 4.0. Import them into 5.0.

    I have a feeling that is not what you are looking for, so perhaps if you could provide the reason you're not doing it that way it would help.
  • ernesternest Member Posts: 162
    I have modified a lot of reports in Navision 4.0.

    1) I have done a fresh installation of Navision 5.0.
    2) I have imported items and balances in the new installation

    Now i want to have the customized reports to the new installation.
    Can you please tell me if export/import procedure is the solution for me and a short description how can i do that?

    Thank you
  • ernesternest Member Posts: 162
    Please someone help ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)
  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    :shock: :?:
    NAV4: Object Designer, mark Objects to export, Menu File, Export
    NAV5: Object Designer, Menu File, Import

    But I have a feeling that this is not what your question is about...
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
  • ernesternest Member Posts: 162
    Import / Export procedure is not working. it is giving me an error.
    Is there any other possibility

    Thank you and best regards
  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    ernest wrote:
    Import / Export procedure is not working. it is giving me an error.
    :roll: Then please enlighten us: What is the error message exactly? Is the error popping up during export or import?
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
  • ernesternest Member Posts: 162
    The error message is after i import the report and is as below:

    The Value Entry does not have an active key that starts with the following field(s): Document No., Posting Date.

    Thank you and best regards
  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    Ahhh, so you have imported the report and when running the report the error pops up?!

    Document No., Posting Date is a standard NAV Key. Either someone has disabled or deleted it. Check in T5802.

    Or did I misunderstand and the error pops up while importing? Never heard of such a thing.
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
  • ernesternest Member Posts: 162
    Yes i have imported the report and when i run it the error pops up.

    I have checked the table that you told me, both keys are there and they are enabled.

    Any other suggestion??

  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    "both keys are there and they are enabled."
    It should be 1 key - what do you mean by Both Keys?
    Enabled	Key	
    Yes	Document No.,Posting Date

    1)Check Again T5802 - it should be around the 5th key - the enabled field should have a check mark in it.
    2)Recomplie the report.

    By reading your posts - you did an upgrade for a customer.
    It's hard to believe you can do an upgrade but can't export & import a report - as well as trouble shoot it.
  • ernesternest Member Posts: 162

    I checked again and both this fields are enabled.

    I will explain my problem since the beginning.

    We were working on Navision 4.0. We did an upgrade to Navision 5.0 which had some problems (license problems).

    So we talked to Microsoft and they said it was license problem (because we had Italian version). So we installed Navision from the beginning and then migrated all the items, customer/vendor/bank account balances.

    We had a lot of customized reports to our previous database and we are not being run them into the new database.
    The export/import procedure is working fine, but when we run the reports it is giving different errors.
    One of them is the one that i have described above.

    If you have any suggestions please advice.

    hope this helps

    Thank you and best regards
  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    So your were migrating from Italian 5.0 to which version?
    ernest wrote:
    I checked again and both this fields are enabled.
    We are not talking about fields, but about Keys (Main Menu, View, Keys)
    Document No. Posting Date is Key No. 5 or 6 depending on your version. Check whether it is existing and enabled.
    Savatage wrote:
    By reading your posts - you did an upgrade for a customer.
    It's hard to believe you can do an upgrade but can't export & import a report - as well as trouble shoot it.
    Same here
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
  • ernesternest Member Posts: 162
    Attached you have the table with all the keys
  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    :shock: Ernest, I don't know what to say. The screenshot clearly shows fields, not keys! #-o

    From that window, open main menu, View, Keys. A new window opens and displays the keys. Let us have a screenshot of these.

    Please, for your own sake (and that of your customer), read the Application Designers Guide. In the one I have it's in Chaper 6.3 Table Fundamentals, Defining Keys.
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    I use an older version but the steps should be virtually the same.
  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    Savatage wrote:
    =D> =D> =D> =D> Cooooollllll!
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Sometimes a picture (Or Vid) is worth 1000 words.

    PS CamStudio is free:
  • ernesternest Member Posts: 162

    Attached you have the Keys print screen
  • ernesternest Member Posts: 162
  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    OK, now I'm puzzled. The screenshot clearly shows the key Document No., Posting Date enabled. :-k
    ernest wrote:
    The error message is after i import the report and is as below:
    The Value Entry does not have an active key that starts with the following field(s): Document No., Posting Date.

    I have to admit: I am lost. Did you try recompiling the report?

    One wild guess: The report does not read T5802 but a copy of T5802 under a different table no. The table name is different but the caption was never changed. Error messages always display table captions instead of table names. Try searching in the object designer for another table with that caption.
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
  • ernesternest Member Posts: 162
    I checked in the object designer but did not find another table with that caption.

    I did not what to try so i did the export/import once again and now the error message is that i do not have permission to Run the report.
  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    Ahhh, you said earlier that you had to change license from IT to something else (I guess W1 from your screenshot).
    Report 12112 is in an area which is reserved for Italy only and you will not be able to run the report if you do not have an italian license.

    Technically you could export the report as text, change the object no. and import under a different no. (but I think this is not covered by your license agreement with MS). Or you could try buying the necessary granule from MS (which MS probably will not do).
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
  • ernesternest Member Posts: 162
    Hi Frank

    I have already tried to export as text but the license it is not allowing me to do so, or it is not allowing to change even the number of this report before the import.

    So i guess i do not have other choice, only to create these reports from the beginning to the new database.

    Thank you and best regards
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