Office XP + Report + register dll ???

randrewsrandrews Member Posts: 135
Office XP + Report + register dll ???


I want to edit an existing report which creates a Excel file and works with it. But even if I open report and then save (I don't edited it)) - dialog maessage apears "Can't load library of types".

Can anybody help me - what l need to do ?

By the way, variables of type automation (for Excel) have subtype "Unknown Automation Server.Unknown Class".

What dll I must register?


  • kakkassmkakkassm Member Posts: 12

    if the subtype of the autmation variable is "Unknown Automation Server.Unknown Class". that means the system can't load the controle, you have to load it manually or to register the DLL again or juste reinstall MS office again.

  • randrewsrandrews Member Posts: 135
    The problem is that report is designet by other people and i don't know what dll I need to register :)
  • ajhvdbajhvdb Member Posts: 672
    If you save the object as txt you have more info and then search for the ID on the internet.
  • Member Posts: 88

    If I understand correctly, you try to work with Excel.

    Just select your Excel controle in the subtype. Like:

    'Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library'.Sheets

    You do have Excel on your computer right?
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  • randrewsrandrews Member Posts: 135
    Thanks to all for helping.
    I did it :)
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