Sales Line Table (37) Record Size Table Size

slowhandfanslowhandfan Member Posts: 56
I have a customer running Nav 4.02. They have a large database running under SQL (394 Gig).

When I do FILE DATABASE INFORMATION TABLES, it shows that the sales line table(37) has

No. of Records 281370 (believable number, 80 stores for 4-5 days) ,
Record Size 93,911
Size(KB) 25804376 (That is 25 gig)

How can a relatively small record that should be able to easily fit in 1/2 gig, have a record size of nearly 100,000 and take up 25 gig???

Has anyone else encountered this problem with the Sales Line Table, and do you have any suggestions?

Modifications to this table have been minimal




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