XML port fixed file issue.

armela20armela20 Member Posts: 71
edited 2010-09-08 in NAV Three Tier
This is all in RTC.
I am importing a fixed length file that looks like this.

1CCNUS 00001000000000249074408202010035800
2CCNUS 071923022 40010001001

I have my XML port defined as Fixed text and each line is 102 CHAR LONG.
I get strange results when I run the XML and I added code to show the line i am getting and it seems like the blank spaces are being deleted. Does anyone know why ??
Am I doing smth wrong ?? My code is reading the line and further slicing this line into multiple fields.
the first line shows like this

1CCNUS 00001000000000249074408202010035800

Any help is much appreciated.

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