Rollback from Navision version 4 to Navision 3.7

apapapap Member Posts: 67
does anybody know how to rollback the database from version 4 to version 3.7?


  • Member Posts: 88

    How long do you use 4.0?

    Easiest would be to use 3.70 backup that was done before upgrading.

    If there is new data in 4.0, you could check Change log how much new data is in 4.0 version. If there is a lot of new data and you cannot manualy reenter documents in 3.70 backup, you can do 'downgrade' by reversing upgrade procedure (but this will be 'painful').

    Why do you need to go back to 4.0?
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  • svennoomensvennoomen Member Posts: 2
    Just curious, what is the reason for your rollback?
  • Joe_LittleJoe_Little Member Posts: 45
    Double Yikes. That sounds like a really painful road to take. I would also be really interested in why, before I move anybody to 4.0 which is coming up pretty quickly.

    If you really need to do this, you might consider taking them back to the version of 3.X before the conversion and importing the transactions that have taken place since. This would be time consuming, but would be far less likely to suprise you later; and any suprises that you find after being live for a while on 3.xx again might be verrry ugly.

    Good luck.
  • StyvieStyvie Member Posts: 77
    If you are running on the SQL server version, you can downgrade so that a 3.7 client can again open the database...

    There is a table called : $ndo$dbproperty

    In that table you can change the field DatabaseVersionNo from 20 back to 15.

    I have done this successfully to convert back to a 3.7 database when someone accidentally opened the db with the wrong client.

    And i pretty much guarentee that this is not a supported way of doing something.... although it is useful to avoid having to run around and install version 4.0 on all pc's....

    Proprietary server - don't think its possible..
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