Multi-Language Captions in Invoice Document

leewhite1234leewhite1234 Member Posts: 45
We have installed French (Belgium) and German (Germany) and can successfully display native Navision menus, data entry windows, etc. in the languages without problem. We want to print documents with the captions in the language of the customer, not the user. I have been able to use Object Designer to edit the posted document report and update the CaptionML field of through Properties from the Section view, such as "ENU=Invoice Number:;FRB=Nº du Facture Vente:". The document is being compiled when it is saved.

However, the fields display and print in FRB when the user is set to FRB, but if the user is set to ENU, then the fields display and print in ENU even though the posted document has a language code of FRB, which matches the language code on the customer card. What am I doing wrong? Any advice is welcome.


  • ShedmanShedman Member Posts: 194
    Check if you have the CurrReport.LANGUAGE changing to the language of the Sales Invoice in the Sales Invoice Header dataitem. Check report 206 for the coding.
  • lvanvugtlvanvugt Member Posts: 774
    Be sure it's, in all instances, FRB and not accidently FRA.
    Luc van Vugt,
    Never stop learning
    Van Vugt's dynamiXs
    Dutch Dynamics Community
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    If you set the customer /Vendor language code to the correct one in the foregin tab this is the driver for determing which language the report will use.

    If you are using contacts this should be inherited as well, but worth a check under the contact communication tab

    Are you sure you have imported the language correctly ? Take a look at the native swiss or belgium cronus and make sure the reports will change use the correct language even if you are using ENUS on the client, any customised field you have added have to be translated there

    Another way to do this is to add the language code to the form and when printing on the Request form add the language code on the header fields,

    Worked for me
  • leewhite1234leewhite1234 Member Posts: 45
    Thank you, Shedman. The line of code you identified in Report 206 was not in any of the four custom documents I have been testing. When I printed Report 206, it worked just as I wanted. We are changing the custom documents and testing.

    I believe we'll need to update the Language Code field on the posted document header records as these were blank when the documents were posted (we have only recently added the additional languages).
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