
Connection failed - object open

AtreiuAtreiu Member Posts: 51
edited 2010-08-30 in NAV Three Tier
Hi everybody,

message of error:
"This message is for C/AL programmers: the call to member ..... failed: l'operazione non è consentita se l'oggetto è aperto.
(it's strange that the message is half in italian and half in english... maybe a bad localization... It says that the operation is not allowed if the object is open)

what I want to do:
from a page, run a sql stored procedure on the records of the page (Page 1002). The user put a flag and then click on a button on the header of the page; this button fires the stored procedure (in sql) to run and modify the record.

It seems that the focus should go away from that record... the only solution i've found 'till now is to close and re-open the page... But there must be a way to do this, isn't it?

thank you in advance
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