Navision 2.6B (2.6D Hotfix 1) on WS 2003 - Renaming Server

M_TrotterM_Trotter Member Posts: 8
edited 2004-11-30 in Navision Financials
I am going to rename servers and workstations with a new corporate nonclemature. My question is:

If I rename the server that Navision is on will it break? If so does anyone know what needs to be done before and/or after the server is renamed?



  • M_TrotterM_Trotter Member Posts: 8
    PS I know that SQL will need to renamed etc.
  • g_dreyerg_dreyer Member Posts: 123
    Make sure that you have a SQL backup and a Navision backup (.fbk).
    Then at least you can restore without problems.

    Hopefully you don't have any linked tables.

    Remember to let the users know to which database to connect to.

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