Passing new fields of "Tracking Specification" to "Warehouse

FrgBonTFrgBonT Member Posts: 28
Good morning everyone,
I am currently in a project where I made an amendment on Form 6510 "Item Tracking Lines" by putting two new fields in the tables 336 and 337, I have repeated these fields in tables 32, 83, 7312. And I am blocked at this time since it was not that codeunit I make an amendment to make the form fields 6510, I send the content to the table 7312, when I register a purchase, I looked at the codeunit 90. Could anyone help me?


  • crisnicolascrisnicolas Member Posts: 177
    I do not know those tables and how data is transferred from one to another... but in most places in NAV, transferring to a posted table is done using TRANSFERFIELDS, so if fields do have the same number and type in both tables, data is transferred without you having to explicitely code the transfer of data.

    Have you added your new fields on all the tables with the same number and type?
    If not, do so, and you will probably don't have to worry about changing any code on any codeunit.
    You'll have to check that out, though, as I said, I do not know those tables and I'm not sure is this is the case where TRANSFERFIELDS is used.
  • FrgBonTFrgBonT Member Posts: 28
    Thanks for your reply, the new fields have the same name, type and number in all tables, and so far I've come to see does a TRANSFERFIELDS, so I guess it does is to mount a journal to make such records, but do not know in codeunit may be doing that.
  • crisnicolascrisnicolas Member Posts: 177
    Use the debug or the code coverage and you'll figure out where and how the warehouse entry is created.
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