I have a few objects that can only be read by the Developer license, and not by the customer license. And now, I want to clean them from the customer database.
I have recommend the customer to use their license, and do the deletion. The problem is they even could not delete them because their license did not allow it.
Another option is to do the remote session and do the Change License into Developer license and then delete the objects. But, I could not do that.
Finally, I fall into the online help saying that we could delete the objects using the Import Worksheet in Object Designer. There is a DELETE action when we are in Impor Worksheet form. Unfortunately, when I change the Action into Delete, there is error message saying:
Delete is only allowed for empty objects.
Further reading the online help:
DELETE: The existing object will be deleted and no new object created. This option is only valid if the new object has size 0. The intended use is to remove obsolete objects from the database. A new object that has this function is sometimes called a 'killer object'.
I have tried to create a new object with a new form, and I did not set anything, just give it an ID, and a Name, and then save it, but it will show any BLOB Size.
The query is:
How to create a 0 sized object?
Or, in general,
How to delete those obsolete object using Non-accessed license?
Good question! But the problem arouse when the user want to be able to run that object, and then I resend them with the ID that they can access. Unfortunately, when they import it, the error message saying that:
Hence, I must delete those obsolete objects first.
Anyway, can I delete the - let's say Form50000 - with the object Report 50000?
1. Open Object Designer
2. Select youir object type
3. Go to last (i.e. empty line) of the object list
4. Make it editable, i.e. click F2
5. Enter a value in the ID field (and populate the other fields like Name ...)
Note that the size is 0!
6. Select the object record
7. Export object in .fob format
Now if you reimport the object (using gthe Inport Worksheet you will see it will suggest to delete the objects still in your database. If click OK the eventula result will be that the object is delted from the database.
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Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
I understand for that, of course
Actually, the object that the customer want to use is Universal Excel Importer, which in default will be using CU999991, which I am sure this will be outside of the customer reach, and can be reached only by developer license. Thus, I will renumber this ID into the ID No. that customer license afford. That's all.
Thank you Luc Van Vugt, I can now create a zero size object, however what value ID should I use?
For example, if I want to delete Form 90000, then I should create a new object with the same ID to delete the object, right?
I have tried it, but it can not create a new object with the duplicate ID existing in the Object Designer.
Thank you all!
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