Error when PQ & PO sent for approvals

Bunny444Bunny444 Member Posts: 12

When a PQ or PO is send for appoval occationally all users of this particular client gets the the below mentioned error message.

"The file C:\ Documents Settings\ User\ Local Settings\ Temp\ AppTemplate.HTM already exists"

When the mentioned file is deleted the approval works as usual.

Btw apprval notifications are also setup in the system.

What may be causing this error?



  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    You said client. Do you mean lots of users on the same machine or ?

    What version are you using ? It sounds like the template it creates to send the email is not being deleted, if all users have different machines perhaps it is the template on the server ?
  • Bunny444Bunny444 Member Posts: 12
    Many users on different machines are getting the same error message.

    We are using Dynamics NAV 5.0 SP1.
  • crisnicolascrisnicolas Member Posts: 177
    When sending e-mails on the approval functionality, NAV exports an htm file into a temp folder.
    It does not delete this temp file after it has been created.
    Next time it tries to export the file into the same folder and with the same name, though, you should not get any error... there is a prompt that tells the user the file already exists and asks him whether he wants to replace it or not, but this is only shown when second parameter is TRUE (using the CommonDialog), not when the second parameter is FALSE.

    AppSetup.CALCFIELDS("BLOB Field");
    TempPath := TEMPORARYPATH + 'AppTemplate.HTM';
    AppSetup."BLOB Field".EXPORT(TempPath,FALSE);

    I've tried this with Blob fields and with files that already exist and I got no error...
  • AndwianAndwian Member Posts: 627
    Bunny444 wrote:
    When a PQ or PO is send for appoval occationally all users of this particular client gets the the below mentioned error message.

    I ever experienced this error. This error is happen when you check the option tab in the Approval Setup form, i.e. send the email notification when approval, etc. happed.

    If you do not need this email notification, just check it off.
  • Bunny444Bunny444 Member Posts: 12
    Email notifications are required.
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