Warehouse Shipment - Item Ledger Entry Not Being Created

Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552

We have a problem where we are using directed picks in a warehouse environment to ship items from a sales order, and we are following the usual procedure of Create Warehouse Shipment, post the picks etc. We finally end up with a Posted Sales Shipment for the correct items, but there are no Item Ledger Entries created! Using 'Navigate' on the Posted Sales Shipment shows related 'Posted Whse. Shipment Line' entry and 'Warehouse Entry' but no Item Ledger Entries. The Item Card therefore now shows the incorrect quantity, however if I click Item-->Bin Contents then the movement is there and the bin reflects an item has been picked.

It's basically that the warehouse entries all look fine but the equivalent item ledger entries have not been created. The bin picked from is not an adjustment bin, it is a fixed bin.

Has anybody any ideas on this one?

Any help appreciated,

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