The item has a field on the Planning tab that is called Reserve. If it is Always then when posting, the codeunit 22 in the function InsertItemLedgEntry has a check:
IF (Item.Reserve = Item.Reserve::Always) AND
(ItemLedgEntry.Quantity < 0)
ERROR(Text012,ItemLedgEntry."Item No.");
Perhaps the other items are auto reserving, and that particular is not...
Why don't you place a breakpoint in that place, enable the debugger and post an item that passes and that item that producess the error and note the differences of the values. That way you might get the differences between the items and probably the origin of the error...
The item has a field on the Planning tab that is called Reserve. If it is Always then when posting, the codeunit 22 in the function InsertItemLedgEntry has a check: where Text012 is:
Ok for that, but I want to post it realy, but I can't :-(
P.S. : all items in the database are reserved always and I can post them without problem! Why for this item ?
Why don't you place a breakpoint in that place, enable the debugger and post an item that passes and that item that producess the error and note the differences of the values. That way you might get the differences between the items and probably the origin of the error...
Since the other items post ok and that particular on doesn't then I guess it is a matter of setup or stock.