I go to Jobs and then planning menu and choose Job Budget.
I fill in Phase Code, Task Code, Type, No. , etc...
I then click below to enter another record..once I do this, a message comes up saying:
"Do you want to rename the record?"
-If I choose NO: it deletes what I have written
-If I choose YES: it says "It's not allowed to rename Job Budget Line. Delete this line and enter a new line"...it deletes what I have written.
-if I enter something in the Quantity field, a message comes up saying:
" you must specify date"
what date is this referring to?
What version of Navision you are using? (goto help->about->first line i.e. GR 3.70.A (3.70))
I have Jobs menu and then Budgets.
I was able to replicate your errors, when you first enter the form and you have no lines, press F4 to delete the blank first. If it asks you for confirmation, press yes.
The primary key of the Job Budget Line is: That means that when you enter a line you should enter at least the fields. The Date it is refering to is the "Starting Date" field. If it is not visible then do a "Show Column"
The order I suggest you enter the fields is:
When I enter the Job menu. I click on Jobs and Job Card opens.
then I click on the bottom right on Planning and then on Job Budget.
This is where the problem comes up...sorry I wasn't clear before.
I already have the starting date field filled in. The same problems come up!
Thanks for trying
THanks for your help!
First of all, the other things I suggested, worked?
Secondly, the Date it refers to is the field "Starting Date".
When I enter a Starting Date on the Budget Line, I am able to enter Quantity, without raising error. And again, what version are you using?
I think you are a bit hasty... be patient...
You are right about the starting date. If I set a starting date from the job card (duration tab) the quantity can be entered without a problem. ONLY If I don't do anything with Type and No.
Otherwise a problem happens...
The problem now is with Type and No. It lets me choose the type easily(either it be resource, item, etc.) . THen I go to No. This is where the problem begins...I enter the No. and then when I try to enter quantity it says you must specify date.
I entered everything in the order you told me, but the message still came up.
During the budget modification, the code synchronizes the Job Budget Line table with the Job Budget Entry table.
If you enter all the fields, including the quantity and not the Type/No. then the code does not let you rename the record. The message about the date is because you have already posted the rec and renamed it by changing the Type/No. fields and it cannot find the proper Job Budget Entry record and have the Date you have previously specified.
Table 211 Job Budget Line
Quantity - OnValidate()
IF NOT JobBudgetLine.GET("Job No.","Phase Code","Task Code","Step Code",Type,"No.","Variant Code") THEN BEGIN
The red line above shows that it tries to get your modified record (with the new Type/No.) and cannot find it, so it tries to create a new one, but somehow it doesn't inherit the "Starting Date" field and raises the error.
The best way to override the general malfunction is to just enter the values on the form with the order: and then move to the next record, so one post gives all the values to the record.
I agree that it is a bit buggy but its implementation doesn't go too far...
If you think its a big problem and your company is a MBS Partner, then you could post it as a Support Request to PartnerSource.
If you are not a MBS Partner I could post it for you and notify you about the result.
I understand the code, but not the reason. I have a customer who wants to enter Job Budget Lines for his planning. If a Resource is not available (eg. ill), he wants to change the Resource in the Job Budget Line.
If I outline the code in the OnRename trigger, and change a Resource, the link to the Job Budget Entry's is lost. Is this the only table to take care of when renaming a Job Budget Entry?
I don't know why, maybe because the Job application is not that extended as other applications.
You could write your own code in the OnRename function to find the Job Budget Entries and rename them as well so that you will be able to sync the recs manualy.
Nav 4.0 has the same old functionality with the error message.