Help!! Run time vs Process time.....Dynamics AX 2009

mswantekmswantek Member Posts: 2
edited 2010-07-29 in Dynamics AX
Hello, I am a complete nube when it comes to Dynamics AX 2009. I am an end user trying to utilize it "un-modified" so that we can afford it!! I need to understand what the difference is between Process time and Run time. The reason I ask is I have built routes and use the "run time" field to put in our "estimate" of time in hours to do a specific job. There are various work centers involved, all being Human Resources. When I run a report like a Route card after I have scheduled it, the report has a column that shows Process Time..... I am getting very odd totals in that column. for example, on a 40 hour work week calendar, I have a route that has an operation needing 5 people and a run time of 300 hours. When I do that, I get the pop up asking if I want to change the 300 to 60. I did that, and when I scheduled it, and ran the report to hand out to the shops involved, it has a value of 846......
What I am wondering is if I am missing something. Should the hours/time field be something other than 1? I think I love this software, but its like a woman playing hard to get........ :D
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