Tab sequence in a form..

FakerulesFakerules Member Posts: 50
Hi All,

The issue is when we insert data in a card type form their is a certain flow that prevails when we press TAB or ENTER...

I want to know how to control the flow, i.e. the sequence of highlighting a particular field by the TAB should be customized...

Thanks in advance..


  • kash387kash387 Member Posts: 111
    I believe using nextcontrol property.... you can do something like that....
    have never used but you can try...!!!

  • FakerulesFakerules Member Posts: 50
    kash387 wrote:
    I believe using nextcontrol property.... you can do something like that....
    have never used but you can try...!!!

    No this is not working, or maybe I am doing something wrong..... ](*,)
    Somebody Conform........
  • mrsamrsa Member Posts: 35
    NextcontrolID property should do the job. You just must be carefoul when you have 2 controls on same place like comment button on vendor, in these cases i put same next contol ID on both controls.
  • ZephyrZephyr Member Posts: 110
    Look man,

    U can use "NextControl" property ...
    take a example ....

    On SO, u want to go "Sell to Customer No." to Structure field, Use this property of "Sell to Customer No." and put the ID of "Structure" field in this property in "Sell to Customer No."

    Check it out, it works \:D/
  • AndwianAndwian Member Posts: 627
    Zephyr wrote:
    U can use "NextControl" property ...

    Yes, it works! I've validated it.

    Thanks all for sharing!
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