Calcuting unit costs LCY and ARC not correct.

HansDuttingHansDutting Member Posts: 25
Hi all,

We encounter this particular problem at a customer who has different companies in his dbase. Each company is located in a different country in Europe.
Each company, (excluded euro countries) can have their own local currency. (Example is british company with LCY in GBP)
Reporting Currency = EUR

User creates a PI (currency = EUR) for 2 item lines, the only difference is the quantity (1 and -1)
User posts the PI and checks the GL Entries via Navigate on posted PI card.

The Additional reporting currency amount (in EUR) for the purchase line with negative qty is equal to "normal" amount (LCY=GBP) ("direct cost" entry)
All other entries are ok (correct amounts for the corresponding currencies)

Problem appears only for the case if the Unit Cost of the item (item card, in LCY) is equal to the unit price from the purchase price entries for this PI, and those entries are in different currency (our case = EUR).
Unit Cost on item card = 150 (GBP)
Unit Price in purchase prices = 150 EUR

In this case already on purchase line level the Unit Cost and Unit Cost (lcy) are calculated incorrectly (both =150) - Unit Cost is taken from purchase prices without taking into account the currency.

On posting, the item journal line with these values is used to find the Cost Amount and Cost Amount (ACY) for the Value Entries (which later will be used for the GLEntry."Additional-currency Amount").
There is a fork depending on the sign of theValueEntry."Valued Quantity": (- or +)
For + Cost is retrieved again from item (SKU); CostACY is calculated based on currency = correct
For - depending on some other conditions, the Cost and CostACY are calculated based on the wrong amounts of item journal (taken from purchase line)

The investigation also shows that the issue exists also in NAV 2009 SP1 (Value entries have wrong Cost Amount (Actual) values for this scenario)

Does somebody encounter this also?

Are there any hotfixes for this from Microsoft?

Hans D.
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