More complex NAS Schedule

deprodepro Member Posts: 46
Hi Everybody,

I`m trying to create more complex schedule plan using NAS with 'Navision Timer 1.0'.Timer.

What I need is to run some function from my codunit only at night, and rest in normal schedule (let say every 10 minuts).

I thought about creating new table where I put information [Function Name], [From Time], [To Time] and check if current time i between [From Time] and [To Time].
But this solution is consume 1 more Table (our client is not very happy when he must buy additional objects).

License does not contain job schedule :(.

Is there any other solution?



  • ShedmanShedman Member Posts: 194
    Codeunit 1 is singleinstance so you could create a couple of globals in it in which you set the times. Of course in that way you can't set the times easily, but it is an option ...

    Or why not create some new fields on an existing table, like Company Information or sth.
  • deprodepro Member Posts: 46
    Of Course,

    Why i didn`t thought about add field to existing table :oops: ?
    It`s easiest to maintain for end user than modify Codeunit 1.

    Thanx Shedman
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