Sales price Codes

NaveenReddyNaveenReddy Member Posts: 53
For each Item we have three sale price code A,B,C set.
For example:
For item No: 1234
Regular Unite Price = 110
We set customer price groups with Sale code A with unit price 100
B With unit price 90
C With unit Price 80

When creating a sales Line with customer price group A on the sales header for this Item, The system will automatically fill in the unit price as 100, But what we want to do is, if quantity is less than 10 it should take 100 as unit price but if quantity is more than 10 It should take price C’s unit price that is 80 even if we selected Price A as the customer price group on the sales header. In other words we want to over ride the unit price on the sales line with Price C’s unit price if the quantity is more than 10.
How can we achieve this ?
If we do write code to over ride the unit price will it effect over functionality of navision?


  • tguptatgupta Member Posts: 86
    Hi naveen ,
    I think u cant achive this from the base functionality of navision .
    You will have to put a condition where it is picking up the unit prices for customer price groups.I cant see anyother way out .

    Might be wrong let see what others have to say on it

  • harm.poelenharm.poelen Member Posts: 36
    Hi there,

    I think you should reconcider if you want to implement such a pricing strategy. Pricing is normaly very important to organisations and maintenance of sales prices and such is something to take into concideration.

    You could implement a number of strategies:
    > link both items to the price group A and use the minimum quantity to setup up the level of 10 (first price linked to minimum 1 and second level linked to minimum of 10).
    > other possibility is to link the standard sales price to the customer price group A with a minimum of 1 and then link the price > 10 to a Sales Price entry (table 7002) that applies to all customers (or if that is not what you want to a specific customer).

    It is my belief that you should try not to tamper to much with basic Navision coding (unless there is really no other option). Think about the updates you want to install in a year..... and then in two... etc...

    Hope this helped...
    CANE Microsoft Solutions BV
    Prins Hendrikplein 14
    2518 JC DEN HAAG
    The Netherlands
  • NaveenReddyNaveenReddy Member Posts: 53
    Thanks guys for your reply,
    I think thats the only option i have, two A sales codes with different quantity.
    Even i am thinking not to modify base navision code, But lets see what my client going to say.
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