Link Documents to Contacts in NAV 4

attardcattardc Member Posts: 97
Hello there

Can anyone tell me if I can link documents to contacts / interactions in NAV 4.01? I know it's doable in NAV 5 onwards, just wondering if there was something similar in previous versions :)




  • lvanvugtlvanvugt Member Posts: 774
    Nio, not standard. You have to build something yourself.
    Luc van Vugt,
    Never stop learning
    Van Vugt's dynamiXs
    Dutch Dynamics Community
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    It's real easy 1 table 1 form. (For use with the older versions)

    Create a Linked Attachments Table (50000+ range)
    add fields..
    Field No. Field Name Data Type Length Description
    10 Type Option
    20 No. Code 20
    30 Attachment Text 220
    40 Open Boolean
    50 Date Modified Date


    Your type options will be..
    ,Customer,Vendor,Item,Deposit,Contact,(more if you wish)

    Create a form (50000+ range)
    Tablebox ->drop in all the fields.

    *Add Some Globals
    Name - DataType - Subtype
    Links - Record - Linked Attachments
    CommonDlgMgt - Codeunit - Common Dialog Management

    On the Attachment field add this code to look up the things you want to attach.
    Attachment := CommonDlgMgt.OpenFile( FIELDCAPTION( Attachment), Attachment, 4, '*.*', 0);

    OnPush() (of the "OPEN" field)
    "Date Modified" := WORKDATE;

    Then to access it from the cards (item,vendor,customer,contact, etc etc) Basically same as your options
    Add a command button to the card (customer in this example) Caption "Attachments"
    The Properties of the button =
    PushAction = RunObject
    RunObject = Form Linked Attachments
    RunFormLink = Type=CONST(Customer),No.=FIELD(No.)

    for the button on the item card you just change it to
    RunFormLink = Type=CONST(Item),No.=FIELD(No.)
    For the button on the contact card you change it to
    RunFormLink = Type=CONST(Contact),No.=FIELD(No.)

    etc.etc. for the other cards you want to have attachments available.
    Since it's a hyperlink you can have any type of attachment
    from c:\mytextfile.txt to
    and Xls should open right to excel & any Doc right to word - Pdf - to acrobat, etc

    The attachment field has an assistedit to find your attachment.
    Click on the "Open" field to goto the attachment

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