Find 'missing' dates

northernernortherner Member Posts: 67
I have a transactional table which is being reported on. I need to make sure that data exists for every day between the start and end date (data is expected 7 days a week, and there can be many entries per day). Any days without data need to be highlighted on the report.

For example, if the report date filter was 1.7.10..5.7.10 and the entries in the table were as follows:


I would need to show 3.7.10 on the report, because there is no entry.

The start and end date of the report is generally going to be 1 year apart, and each day needs to be checked 3 times - once for each operational unit in the company (a value will be stored in the transactional table for the operational unit which can be filtered on).

What's a good way of coding this? I'm thinking about applying a filter to the (system) date table and working through each record, filtering the transactional table to the date, and marking records in the date table where no entries were found in the transactional table. Then building up a text string based on the marked entries. However I'm not convinced this is the best way - does anybody have any suggestions?

Many thanks.


  • kapamaroukapamarou Member Posts: 1,152
    I think this way is the best.

    Since a date can have many entries, looping through the days would probably give you less loops than the other way round.

    Loop the dates and do a SKIP if the filtered transaction table has entries (without looping through all, since one is enough ) to skip the date in question.
  • David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    northerner wrote:
    ... and marking records in the date table where no entries were found in the transactional table. Then building up a text string based on the marked entries.

    This sounds way to complex.

    As Kpamarou hints, the solution really depends on your data, specifically how selective the data will be based on an index on date.

    To start with, the first thing you know is that any solution can give a maximum of 366 results, which is not much, so I would start there.

    create a Temporary Table (ListOfDates) that has just one field of date (or more fields if you need more information later.
    populate this table with the days of the year.
    create an index on your source table with date as the key.
    create a variable based on the Date table (DatesInCurrentYear).
    Then do something like.
    DatesInCurrentYear.setrange("Period Type",DatesInCurrentYear."Period Type"::date);
    DatesInCurrentYear.setrange("Period Start",'Jan 1st','Dec 31st);
      SourceTable.Setrange(DatesInCurrentYear."Period Start");
      if not SourceTable.isempty then begin
        ListOfDates.Date := DatesInCurrentYear."Period Start";
        if ListOfDates.Delete then
    UNTIL = 0;

    Now you have a table populated with all your missing dates, and only 366 reads to the database, so should be very fast.
    David Singleton
  • northernernortherner Member Posts: 67
    David / kapamarou

    Thanks for your input; I'll go with the temporary table since I'll have more control over it than the system date table. The code sample is much appreciated :-)
  • David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    northerner wrote:
    David / kapamarou

    Thanks for your input; I'll go with the temporary table since I'll have more control over it than the system date table. The code sample is much appreciated :-)

    You are welcome :thumbsup: , just make sure to let us know how you solved it in the end.
    David Singleton
  • northernernortherner Member Posts: 67
    This is what I went with in the end, a function that returns a text string containing the dates when data is missing. I'm sure there are more elegant ways of coding it but this does the job for me!

    The function is passed one parameter, StoreNo (Code 20), and returns Text 1024.

    Name DataType Subtype Length
    LastDate Date
    MyDateTable Record Date TempData
    SysDateTable Record Date
    Footfall2 Record Footfall
    Month Decimal
    StartOfMonth Date
    EndOfMonth Date
    MissingText Text 1024
    FirstDay Boolean
    FirstMonth Boolean
    //If report runs into the future, ignore future dates as they should have no data
    IF EndDate[12] > TODAY THEN
      LastDate := CALCDATE('-1D',TODAY)
      LastDate := EndDate[12];
    //populate my temporary date table based on the system date table
    SysDateTable.SETRANGE("Period Type",SysDateTable."Period Type"::Date);
    SysDateTable.SETRANGE("Period Start",StartDate[1],LastDate);
    IF SysDateTable.FINDSET THEN
        MyDateTable.Date := SysDateTable."Period Start";
        MyDateTable."Store No." := StoreNo;
      UNTIL SysDateTable.NEXT = 0;
    //delete dates from the temporary date table where data does exist
        IF NOT Footfall2.ISEMPTY THEN
      UNTIL MyDateTable.NEXT = 0;
    //to prevent overflow error if too many dates are missing
    MyDateTable.SETRANGE("Store No.",StoreNo);
    IF MyDateTable.COUNT > 100 THEN
      EXIT('Too many dates to list');
    //build text string
    FirstMonth := TRUE;
        StartOfMonth := CALCDATE('-CM',MyDateTable.Date);
        EndOfMonth := CALCDATE('CM',MyDateTable.Date);
        IF MyDateTable.FINDSET THEN
            FirstDay := TRUE;
            IF NOT FirstMonth THEN
              MissingText := MissingText + '.  ';
            MissingText := MissingText + FORMAT(MyDateTable.Date,0,'<Month Text>') + ': ';
              IF NOT FirstDay THEN
                MissingText := MissingText + ', ';
              MissingText := MissingText + FORMAT(DATE2DMY(MyDateTable.Date,1));
            UNTIL MyDateTable.NEXT = 0;
      UNTIL MyDateTable.NEXT = 0;

    It could be improved by giving a date range rather than individual dates. For example, July: 1 - 4, 6 is possibly better than July: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6. That might be a future tweak.
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