Is it possible to book a G/L Account in the Bank Acc. Reconcilation when there is no Apply Bank Acc. Ledger Entry there for it?
I always get the following error message:
"Gen. Posting Type must not be in Gen. Journal Line Journal Template Name = '',Journal Batch Name = '',Line No.='0'.
Can anybody help?
I don't quite understand what you are trying to do.
1. You are in 'Bank Acc. Reconciliation' form?
2. You have entered some lines in the form?
Could you provide the steps to reproduce your example?
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1. Yes,we are in form Bank Acc. Reconciliation and we are using the AddOnDatabase.
2. Yes,we have put in some lines and especially one like this for e.g.:
Field-> Data
Transaction Date -> 02.08.04
Value Date -> 02.08.04
Document No. -> IMP00001
Type -> Bank Account Ledger Entry
Description -> finance office
Difference -> -200,00 (without VAT)
Applies-to Doc. Type -> Payment
Bal. Account Type -> G/L Account
Bal. Account No. -> 3820 (asset account)
3. Now we are trying to book with F11. But the error-message appears. We thought the
booking of this account record would be done by the function F11.
When you are using the Bank Acc. Reconciliation without using the AddOnDatabase there
is a function to transport this line to the General Journal. So you have first to book
here. After that you can allocate the Bank Acc. Ledger Entries in the form Bank Acc.
Reconcilation (function: Application -> Entries).
Using the AddOnDatabase we are missing the function to transport the line to the
General Journal.
So, what we have to do to book this line the right way?
It might be a good idea to contact your partner if you are using an Add-On solution.
Documentation for Microsoft Navision
E/R diagrams, Workflow diagrams, UML diagrams, process diagrams