Unapply entries problem

SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
Hello All,

I've stumbled upon a problem with a payment of a customer.
The entries that have been applied to the payment should be unapplied, but the error I receive is

The latest Transaction No. must be an application in Cust. Ledger Entry No. #######.

The lastest transaction of those entries is the following: Correction of Remaining Amount
A correction of 1 cent. This has probably to do with the fact it is a ACY payment.
When trying to unapply the correction, an error tels me it has to be an application.
How can one unapply the entries when the last "applied" entry is a correction.

version MBS navision v4.00 sp3
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  • NAV_DoctorNAV_Doctor Member Posts: 12

    You have a problem on your hands. Like open entries with exchange gains or losses as the last application, the system is unable to establish how many or which specific entry was applied to a transaction as these entries may have been created on multiple times.

    A suggested workaround would be to create a new payment and a new invoice. The new payment will be applied to the correct invoice, and the new invoice will remain open to substitute the invoice that has been applied incorrectly, like this we keep the correct customer balance, I’m just checking the exchange rates, because we need to be carefull and use the correct exchange rates.

    Sorry champ, I wish I could tell you more, but this is the best I can come up with.

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