Hi Expert,
Now i'm trying to show chinese language at Role Tailored. So i search at this site. One of thread said we can't do directly deployed additional language for 2009
http://www.mibuso.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=39696&hilit=chinese+language. We need to update with hotfix before we do it. So i am confuse this hotfix because of i'm using nav 2009 sp1(SG).
1. Do i need to update with hotfix?
2. If i need to update with hotfix, is it support to all nav version (eg.SG, IN(Indonesia))?
Best Regards,
Anybody ... here? :?
This hotfix works with 2009 SP1 https://mbs.microsoft.com/partnersource ... angsupport
It is supported on all local versions of SP1
Thank you for you reply and info. Another ques is here. http://dynamicsuser.net/forums/t/33768.aspx Do you have any idea for that?
Best Regards,
I asked Dag from my team to post the reply here: http://dynamicsuser.net/forums/t/33768.aspx
Have fun!
I am a functional and a newbie technical so I am difficult to do follow the "Adding Language support to NAV2009", there are some steps not clearly.
At GENERATING THE FILES step: I've generated .dll files in Output folder, at 5th substep:
I've apply a .snk is: Microsoft.Dynamics.NAV.Language.snk
I've open the Visual Studio Command Prompt, then enter:
sn.exe -T Microsoft.Dynamics.NAV.Language.snk
the error msg "Failed to read Microsoft.Dynamics.NAV.Language.snk -- The system cannot find the file specified"
Can anyone help me to correct this bug
Thanks in advanced!
Command should be
sn.exe -T assembly (eg. sn.ext -T Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.DynamicsOnlineConnect.resources.dll)
More infor, pls check below link
Best Regards,
For all of the applications objects you have the translations in the NAV database - of course. But what tells the RTC which languages to offer? It is NOT the translations that happen to be imported into the database!
NAV takes the following checks for each language it might offer for selection:
1) For custom translations only:: The core assembly names must be registered in the Add-in table with the public key-token you used for signing the language assemblies:
e.g. Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Language.dll
sn -t Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Language.resources.dll on your custom translation library file will tell you the public key token.
In the Add-ins table put "Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Language.dll" and this token string.
2) Can the corresponding resource assembly for the language found under the ‘Service’ directory:
Service\fr-FR\ Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Language.resources.dll
3) Can the corresponding nclcsrt.stx, nclcsrt.etx be found in the 3 Char language directory in the Server directory:
(This requires that the 3 character language name is in the ‘Language’ Table, which typically is the case.)
4) Can the corresponding resource assemblies for the language found under the RTC directory:
RoleTailored Client\fr-FR\...
5) The language is enabled in the ‘Windows Language’ Table, which typically is the case.
Christian Abeln
Program Manager Microsoft
Dynamics NAV
I will try