Is there any system table which gives me the conditional relation of fields. The Fields table maintains RelationTableNo, RelationFieldNo for each field relation only if it does not have a conditional relation.
Secondly is there any system table which gives me the keys of a table. Due to some limitations I cant use keyref or recordref variables.
Tx n Regards JPK
Conditional relations to fields aren't available in Navision tables. However if you have access to Navision Developer Toolkit (NDT), you can find them in table 99003608 Relation to Table.
In Navision there is also no table that has information about table keys. In NDT there is table 99003607 Key.
Documentation for Microsoft Navision
E/R diagrams, Workflow diagrams, UML diagrams, process diagrams
It really sucks at times.
Sorry if tht was rude. JPK
Those of you who think you know everything are annoying to those of us who do. -
David Brent