How to set up a calculated field

ALopez27ALopez27 Member Posts: 42

I'm trying to add a field into the Sales Line that will be a calculated field of Gross Weight, it will be the current outstanding ship qty * the Item Gross Weight, how can I do this?

Once I put it on a the Sales Line, I will then create a calc field in the Sales Order Header that will sum up this field for all Sales Lines.

Is this possible? If so, please advice how. Thanks.


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    First off if you hit F9 & check the statistics your net & gross weight should be there.

    But I understand we added a "total net weight" field to our header too. (You'll just adjust for Gross instead)

    Field "Total Net Weight" Type Decimal
    Type Flowfield with CalcFormula of Sum("Sales Line"."Line Net Weight" WHERE (Document Type=FIELD(Document Type),Document No.=FIELD(No.)))

    So we're summing the new field "Line Net Weight", lets add it to the sales line table.
    Field "Line Net Weight" Type Decimal

    OnValidate of "Line Net Weight"
    "Line Net Weight" := "Net Weight" * "Qty. to ship";

    OnValidate of "Qty. to ship" I have (at the end)
    VALIDATE("Line Net Weight");

    I've also added it ONvalidate - Unit Of Measure Code
    "gross weight".....
    "net weight".....
    VALIDATE("Line Net Weight");

    incase the uom changes
    *PS obviously you'll add the sales line field first else you'll have nothing to sun on the header field :mrgreen:
  • ALopez27ALopez27 Member Posts: 42
    Thanks Harry....

    I now understand how that would work, however, is it possible to just have a 'calculated' field in the Sales Line that will always just be Qty * Gross Weight (both of these existing field on the Sales Line table) ?

    In other words, not enter any code on the Sales Line table and just add a 'calc' field that will always have this calculated value in real time?


  • jversusjjversusj Member Posts: 489
    you 'could' add a variable to the order subform and display that variable in a new column in the subform. OnAfterGetRecord trigger of the subform you would add code that defines the variable as (outstanding qty * weight)... This would only show the values in the lines and you could not leverage it in the header as a flowfield (since it isn't a real field). you also could not filter on the value - it would just be seen by the user. similarly, you could add a variable to the header to roll through the lines and build a value for display as well.

    not pretty, but it would display what you are after...

    otherwise, you would be adding code to the tables as Harry said - adding code to OnValidate triggers as necessary (depending on what approach you take) or creating a function that calculates the values upon a certain action (like a button click). there are probably other ways too...
    kind of fell into this...
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    How you would you add a field that calculates without adding code?
    You're going to have to add "this field" times "that field" equals a "new field" somewhere

    or F9 for stats
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    If you want to see it on the sales line without code.
    Add a field to the sales Line called "Total Line Weight" or whatever type decimal.
    go to the sales line form 46 and drop in the new field.
    Change the sourceexp of the field to
    "Net Weight" * Quantity * "Qty. per Unit of Measure"
    (in your test you can use Gross Weight if you want)

    but when seen in the sales line table - the value will apear as zero since it's only calcing on the form.
    And that will not allow you to flowfield it into a sum on the header.
  • David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    jversusj wrote:
    you 'could' add a variable to the order subform and display that variable in a new column in the subform. OnAfterGetRecord trigger of the subform you would add code that defines the variable as (outstanding qty * weight)... This would only show the values in the lines and you could not leverage it in the header as a flowfield (since it isn't a real field). you also could not filter on the value - it would just be seen by the user. similarly, you could add a variable to the header to roll through the lines and build a value for display as well.

    not pretty, but it would display what you are after...

    otherwise, you would be adding code to the tables as Harry said - adding code to OnValidate triggers as necessary (depending on what approach you take) or creating a function that calculates the values upon a certain action (like a button click). there are probably other ways too...

    Don't do this on the form. Put the function in the table. That way you just place the source to the function in a control on the form and you don't have to much about with all that onaftergetrecord nonsense.
    David Singleton
  • jversusjjversusj Member Posts: 489
    jversusj wrote:
    you 'could' add a variable to the order subform and display that variable in a new column in the subform. OnAfterGetRecord trigger of the subform you would add code that defines the variable as (outstanding qty * weight)... This would only show the values in the lines and you could not leverage it in the header as a flowfield (since it isn't a real field). you also could not filter on the value - it would just be seen by the user. similarly, you could add a variable to the header to roll through the lines and build a value for display as well.

    not pretty, but it would display what you are after...

    otherwise, you would be adding code to the tables as Harry said - adding code to OnValidate triggers as necessary (depending on what approach you take) or creating a function that calculates the values upon a certain action (like a button click). there are probably other ways too...

    Don't do this on the form. Put the function in the table. That way you just place the source to the function in a control on the form and you don't have to much about with all that onaftergetrecord nonsense.

    right - i was just giving him an option that did not involve him adding code to the table, which he seems to be against (or unable due to license?). ;)
    kind of fell into this...
  • David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    jversusj wrote:
    right - i was just giving him an option that did not involve him adding code to the table, which he seems to be against (or unable due to license?). ;)

    OK gotcha, though of course if he can't access code in tables, same applies to forms. In which case put the code in a report instead.
    David Singleton
  • jversusjjversusj Member Posts: 489
    jversusj wrote:
    right - i was just giving him an option that did not involve him adding code to the table, which he seems to be against (or unable due to license?). ;)

    OK gotcha, though of course if he can't access code in tables, same applies to forms. In which case put the code in a report instead.

    ah yes! i forget what the non dev license gets you, now that i have been spoiled with the dev license. :)

    in any case, as Harry said - you can't get something for nothing here. some code will be required.
    kind of fell into this...
  • ALopez27ALopez27 Member Posts: 42
    Thanks to all for your help....

    I guess it is kinda of a limitation that we can't simply have a "calculated field" in a table similar to what we can do in the form, but that will allow us to treat it as a real field that we can filter on, sum up, etc....

    I will proceed with adding code in the table so that it will be a real field, then I can sum up to the Sales Header, etc....

    Thanks again for your prompt response.

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