Log File Increasing very fast--How Control ?

jasbirjasbir Member Posts: 55

There are a problem of log file is increasing very fast. it increase almost (1 GB) per day at the path which is given during database creation time.

How it can be controld. or Deleted ?




  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 3,412
    I suppose you're using SQL? :-)

    Well, I suggest you follow a SQL Server course (Admin or whatever).

    The Transaction Log file is something that enables you to do e.g. transaction Log backups .. which can be done very regularly (more frequently then full backups) .. but if you're not using it, you can choose not to enable the logging. There are other reasons to use the TL, but I'm not going into them here..

    First of all you can choose to not using it and switch to a "simple" recovery model. The log will still be used, but the contents will be "emptied" when a certain transaction stops. Only Full Backups will be available.

    If you still want to use a full recovery plan, a full backup emties the file .. and you can truncate it. Als TL backups emties the TL-file .. . If you really want to shrink it (which I never to because of performance reasons), you have to truncate the file in a maintenanca plan, job, or whatever..

    It's too much to explain right here .. but I'm sure there are a lot of threads dealing with this .. so just search the forum:

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    MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
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