C#, COM, Nav 5. events

xyliganxyligan Member Posts: 10
I`m trying to get events to work in my grid, in C#.
But Nav doesn`t see them
This is my code:
[assembly: ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDual)]
namespace GridNewDB
    public delegate void DataChangedEvent(string changedPrimaryKeyFrom);

    public interface GridMethod
        void ShowGrid();
    public interface GridForm
        void DataChanged(string changePrimaryKeyFrom);

    [ComSourceInterfaces("GridNewDB.GridForm, GridNewDB")]
    public partial class Form1 : Form, GridMethod 
   /// DataChaned("");


  • xyliganxyligan Member Posts: 10
    changed WithEvents Property to True,
    event appears in nav, but when it starts, nav shows error and trying to send error.
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