Word Aut. - Can I disable Word blocking the use of NAV?

Johannes_NielsenJohannes_Nielsen Member Posts: 206
Hi all

Using NAV 5.0 and Office 2007, both Danish

Stealing Focus
When using Interactions on Contacts, with MS Word Automation. Word blocks the use of NAV while the document is open.
Can this selfish act on MS Words behalf, be disabled?

Our sales people have to answer the phone and service customers, while working on active Interactions. They could start the client twice, but this takes up an expensive user license.

Multipe SQL Errors when using Word when initiating Automation
Also, if Word session is active when initiating another via an Interaction from NAV, Word will produce several SQL and Mailmerge -errors. I've managed to disable the first occuring error via this KB-article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/825765/en-us
The thing is, the Word Automation is fully functioning despite the all the errors :shock:

So I simply want to get rid of them - is this possible?
Best regards / Venlig hilsen
Johannes Sebastian


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