Database Upgrade form NAV 5 to NAV 2009

b0Ndb0Nd Member Posts: 17
Hi there,

Can anyone told me step by step how to upgrade database from NAV 5 to NAV 2009?
Kindly appreciate your update.

Best Regards,


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    read the manual? It's on the DVD.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • b0Ndb0Nd Member Posts: 17
    Thanks for the advice... :D
    I've already read the manual and it said that I didn't necessary to perform the data upgrade just Transforming Forms and Report to be able to open on RTC.
    I tried to follow the instruction for Tranforming forms to pages but I have a trouble. Here I give you my steps, see if any of my steps are incorrect:
    1. Export all form from Classic Client to .xml file using object designer and save with "Forms".xml file name.
    2. Put the .xml data to Transformation Tool Folder.
    3. Run Tranformation Tool.
    4. Transformartion process stopped and give Transformation log file and also didn't create Pages.xml file.
    Can you help me what should I do to make this Transformation process finished successfully?

    Best Regards,
  • b0Ndb0Nd Member Posts: 17
    I forgot to give you the log file.

    Transformation started at 6/24/2010 10:54:51 AM
    Forms file: .\Forms.xml
    Pages file: .\Pages.xml
    InsertElements file: .\TransformPages.xml
    IgnoreForms file: .\IgnorePages.xml
    DeleteElements file: .\DeleteElements.xml
    MoveElements file: .\MoveElements.xml
    RenumberPages file: .\MovePages.xml
    CodeRules file: .\coderules.txt
    CheckInputFile: Form 21: The ID 80 from the transformation input file, do not exist in the input xml file.
    CheckInputFile: Form 26: The ID 70 from the transformation input file, do not exist in the input xml file.
    CheckInputFile: Form 89: The ID 151 from the transformation input file, do not exist in the input xml file.
    CheckInputFile: Form 89: The ID 152 from the transformation input file, do not exist in the input xml file.
    CheckInputFile: Form 103: The ID 13 from the transformation input file, do not exist in the input xml file.
    CheckInputFile: Form 121: The ID 19 from the transformation input file, do not exist in the input xml file.
    CheckInputFile: Form 5768: The ID 35 from the transformation input file, do not exist in the input xml file.
    CheckInputFile: Form 7335: The ID 35 from the transformation input file, do not exist in the input xml file.
    CheckInputFile: Form 11601: The ID 1500012 from the transformation input file, do not exist in the input xml file.
    CheckInputFile: Form 11601: The ID 1500013 from the transformation input file, do not exist in the input xml file.
    CheckInputFile: Form 11601: The ID 1500014 from the transformation input file, do not exist in the input xml file.
    CheckInputFile: Form 11601: The ID 1500015 from the transformation input file, do not exist in the input xml file.
    CheckInputFile: Form 11603: The ID 150001 from the transformation input file, do not exist in the input xml file.
    CheckInputFile: Form 11603: The ID 150002 from the transformation input file, do not exist in the input xml file.
    CheckInputFile: Form 11603: The ID 150003 from the transformation input file, do not exist in the input xml file.
    CheckInputFile: Form 11603: The ID 150005 from the transformation input file, do not exist in the input xml file.
    CheckInputFile: Form 99000829: The ID 37 from the transformation input file, do not exist in the input xml file.
    CheckInputFile: Form 99000921: The ID 9 from the transformation input file, do not exist in the input xml file.
    Error: Schema: \ApplicationObjects.xsd
    Error: Form -2: The validation for file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Desktop/TransformationTool/ApplicationObjects.xsd.tmp.xml failed. Detailed Information: LineNumber=3640, LinePosition=16
    Error: Form -2: The element 'Properties' in namespace 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:dynamics:NAV:ApplicationObjects' has invalid child element 'ShortCutKey' in namespace 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:dynamics:NAV:ApplicationObjects'. List of possible elements expected: 'Description, Name, CaptionML, Enabled, Visible, Image' in namespace 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:dynamics:NAV:ApplicationObjects'.
    Error: Some input file can’t be validated by schema. Please, correct it and rerun tool again
  • BrijeshKarnatakBrijeshKarnatak Member Posts: 26
    Does anyone have the fix of the below issue reported.

    CheckInputFile: Form 27: The ID 22 from the transformation input file, do not exist in the input xml file.

    I couldn't find any comment related to the issue.

    Please suggest.
    Thanks & Regards
    Brijesh Karnatak
  • BrijeshKarnatakBrijeshKarnatak Member Posts: 26
    Does anyone have the fix of the below issue reported.

    CheckInputFile: Form 27: The ID 22 from the transformation input file, do not exist in the input xml file.

    I couldn't find any comment related to the issue.

    Please suggest.
    Thanks & Regards
    Brijesh Karnatak
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