I'm using NAV 2009 RTC with CRM service granule.
The case : Service activities are completed by subcontractor at end consumer site (end consumer, not defined in Navision as customer). When the service is completed, the subcontractor claim a refund for the parts, resources and travel fee used for the service. At this moment, a credit note is created for the parts and payables for the ressources and travels fees to the subcontractor. At the same time, a request is sent to the manufacturer to be reimbursed if the service item is under warranty.
Service order in Navision are created to bill the customer that ask for service and use internal resource to repair the service item. And in my case, customer at who the item was sold is not the end consumer that request the reparation under warranty.
Do you have any suggestion how to approach a modification to Navision to respond to all this need
Thanks lot for your help