Adjust Cost - Item Entries problem

mbmartinwambmartinwa Member Posts: 18
I am getting an error when I run the Adjust Cost - Item Entries routine. It failes on Entry No. 2089 with the folloring error:

Select Dimension Value Code 10 for the Dimension Code DVN for Item 10371.

I have been having trouble identifying where the dimension code is missing. I have looked in Ledger Entry Dimension and 10 is set for DVN. How do I track this error?

Michael Martin
Michael Martin


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Have you looked in the item ledger entries?

    for that item
  • mbmartinwambmartinwa Member Posts: 18
    I have, but I guess I am not sure what to look for. I see all of the entries for that part number and I even know which entries are causing it in there, but I can't modify the data in there. Besides I don't see that any dimension information is stored in that table. I guess I am not sure what needs to be done to fix it.

    Michael Martin
  • Kishor_MistryKishor_Mistry Member Posts: 1
    You haven't said what version you are running but my guess is that it's between ver 3.00 and 3.10

    I think you have setup a default dimension against the item and set to same code. The adjust cost routine is adding a rounding entry (InsertRoundingEntry function) but it doesn't create any dimensions against it. The item journal line posting routine then gives you the error you are getting - when it does the dimension checking.

    The problem is fixed in 3.60
  • mbmartinwambmartinwa Member Posts: 18
    I am running version 3.70.

    For this Item I do have Default Dimensions set to Same Code for DVN.
    Michael Martin
  • vipulchudasamavipulchudasama Member Posts: 17
    If you remove same code from the same item while running adjust cost will allow you to run the batch.....Again you can apply back once the process is over....a temporary solution.....
  • JanStepanekJanStepanek Member Posts: 6

    try modify codeunit 21. This error caused by new created Value Entry for rounding existing Item Ledger Entry with entry type Transfer.


    Jan Stepanek

    //correction original errors - begin
    //IF ItemJnlLine."Entry Type" = ItemJnlLine."Entry Type"::Transfer THEN
    IF (ItemJnlLine."Entry Type" = ItemJnlLine."Entry Type"::Transfer) AND
    NOT (Adjustment OR ("Value Entry Type" = "Value Entry Type"::Rounding) OR
    ("Value Entry Type" = "Value Entry Type"::Revaluation)) THEN
    //correction original errors - end
    IF NOT DimMgt.CheckJnlLineNewDimValuePosting(JnlLineDim,TableID,No) THEN
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