I am getting an error when I run the Adjust Cost - Item Entries routine. It failes on Entry No. 2089 with the folloring error:
Select Dimension Value Code 10 for the Dimension Code DVN for Item 10371.
I have been having trouble identifying where the dimension code is missing. I have looked in Ledger Entry Dimension and 10 is set for DVN. How do I track this error?
Michael Martin
Michael Martin
for that item
I think you have setup a default dimension against the item and set to same code. The adjust cost routine is adding a rounding entry (InsertRoundingEntry function) but it doesn't create any dimensions against it. The item journal line posting routine then gives you the error you are getting - when it does the dimension checking.
The problem is fixed in 3.60
For this Item I do have Default Dimensions set to Same Code for DVN.
try modify codeunit 21. This error caused by new created Value Entry for rounding existing Item Ledger Entry with entry type Transfer.
Jan Stepanek
//correction original errors - begin
//IF ItemJnlLine."Entry Type" = ItemJnlLine."Entry Type"::Transfer THEN
IF (ItemJnlLine."Entry Type" = ItemJnlLine."Entry Type"::Transfer) AND
NOT (Adjustment OR ("Value Entry Type" = "Value Entry Type"::Rounding) OR
("Value Entry Type" = "Value Entry Type"::Revaluation)) THEN
//correction original errors - end
IF NOT DimMgt.CheckJnlLineNewDimValuePosting(JnlLineDim,TableID,No) THEN