View Sales Order With CHANGECOMPANY

Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552

I've successfully used CHANGECOMPANY on the Item card and Customer card to view records in a sister company, but I now want to do a similar thing to view a sales order from the other company. When I try this on form 42, I get an error saying the sales order does not exist. I'm assuming there's some code or form link property that's causing this.

Has anybody successfully run a sales order form against data in another company?




  • flfl Member Posts: 184
    The difference is that Item and Customer card are based on single tables. Sales orders, is based on the header (T36) and the lines (T37). So if you want to use the standard form it's not possible as you can change the header table to another company but this does NOT imply that the line table is changed to the other company, so thats the reason you will get an error. If you create 2 forms one for the header and another one for the lines it's possible, but not by using a subform.
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