Error While importing Sales order

schoolkidschoolkid Member Posts: 103
Hi all,

i have a webservice code unit to insert Sales orders from the buffer tables into the Sales header and Sales Lines Tables.

the problem is i get errors saying
"Codeunit.Run is allowed in write transactions only if the return value is not used. For example, 'OK := Codeunit.Run()' is not allowed"

any help on this please


  • mabl4367mabl4367 Member Posts: 143
    It would seem you are not alowed to use the returnvalue of Codeunit.RUN in this situation.

    Make sure you don't chek the returnvalue with an if-statement or use it to set the value of a variable.
  • schoolkidschoolkid Member Posts: 103
    I have removed the Return value also but it still gives the same error :(
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