External Document No. and Bank Reconciliation

Cindy101Cindy101 Member Posts: 33
I've got a client with an odd thing going on. For a long time now they've been using "External Document No." to store customer payment data (seems to be credit card type and last 4 digits).

They've recently upgraded to 5.0 sp1 and now, when they do a bank rec., it is grouping all payments by matching External Document No.'s (customer credit cards) into one line, with a document no. = external document no.

Besides checking if the External Doc. No. is mandatory or not, I wasn't aware of that field really doing anything at all.

Any reason this is happening, any way of turning it off?

Thanks in advance!


  • AdrianAkersAdrianAkers Member Posts: 137
    Sorry do you mean it is grouping the lines when they do "Suggest Lines" or when they do "Transfer to Journal" on the Bank Reconciliations?
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    you have to modify the suggest bank line report, it must have been done back ont he 4.100 database, and not on the 5.0 database.

    here is the code in our database to stop the bank rec lines from being collapsed which is the standard, I am not the programmer, but the end user, and we had the same problem this was the fix from our solution center. I think back in 2.0 you had an option to set somewhere on collapse or expand, and then in 4.0 it went away and it defualted to collapse lines. we discoved the problem, when we upgraded to 4.0 from 2.0. al the sudden our bank rec were a nightmare.

    IF RecordTypeToProcess IN [RecordTypeToProcess::Both,RecordTypeToProcess::Deposits] THEN BEGIN
    WITH BankRecLine DO BEGIN
    SETCURRENTKEY("Bank Account No.","Statement No.","Record Type");
    SETRANGE("Bank Account No.","Bank Rec. Header"."Bank Account No.");
    SETRANGE("Statement No.","Bank Rec. Header"."Statement No.");
    SETRANGE("Record Type","Record Type"::Deposit);
    SETRANGE("Collapse Status","Collapse Status"::"Expanded Deposit Line");
    IF FIND('-') THEN
    BankRecLine2 := BankRecLine;
    UNTIL NEXT = 0;
  • Cindy101Cindy101 Member Posts: 33
    @AdrianAkers - This is happening when the user does 'suggest lines...' from the Bank Rec. Worksheet.

    @themave - This sounds like what's going on, thanks for the pointer.

    We've just discovered the Expand/Collapse functionality(Line -> Expand Deposit Line), this appears to be exactly what the user wants :D Odd that there isn't a setting anymore to not default to collapsed.

    Thanks for the help!
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    Cindy101 wrote:
    @AdrianAkers - This is happening when the user does 'suggest lines...' from the Bank Rec. Worksheet.

    @themave - This sounds like what's going on, thanks for the pointer.

    We've just discovered the Expand/Collapse functionality(Line -> Expand Deposit Line), this appears to be exactly what the user wants :D Odd that there isn't a setting anymore to not default to collapsed.

    Thanks for the help!
    Now it comes back to me, the code above just defaults it to expand, it was a pain to have to manual expand each line. I hid on the form the expand and collapse line menu selections after we had the code modified. so they never had to worry ab out it.
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