I used the below way and it worked.
But i have one problem...................
When I go to next line and change the date with different month, the document number does not change as required,,
line no Posting date document no
1000 10/04/2010 04-00001
2000 10/05/2010 04-00002
its should have been
line no Posting date document no
1000 10/04/2010 04-00001
2000 10/05/2010 05-00001
Please can anyone help?
But its impractical to change the workdate every time you wish to pass some backdated entry.....
But i got the solution i could write the following code on the validation of posting date field...for table 81
GenJnlTemplate.GET("Journal Template Name");
GenJnlBatch.GET("Journal Template Name","Journal Batch Name");
GenJnlLine.SETRANGE("Journal Template Name","Journal Template Name");
GenJnlLine.SETRANGE("Journal Batch Name","Journal Batch Name");
IF GenJnlBatch."No. Series" <> '' THEN BEGIN
"Document No." := NoSeriesMgt.TryGetNextNo(GenJnlBatch."No. Series","Posting Date");