Not able to get Ctrl+Alt+F1 to work on Nav2009 SP1 RTC

engsiong75engsiong75 Member Posts: 143
edited 2012-08-28 in NAV Three Tier

I am working on a Navision 2009 SP1 RTC. I noticed that there is a new feature called about this page and it fires with this command Ctrl+Alt+F1. I can open the About this Page feature by using the mouse but I cannot open it using the Keyboard shortcut keys. I tried external keyboards, the OS virtual keyboard and even on other PCs and laptops. Vista and Win 2008.

The only thing in common with all the machines is that all the machines are Dell. I would like to know if the rest for the Dell users have this problem or is it just me.

Thank you,

Tan Eng Siong


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    [Topic moved from 'NAV/Navision Classic Client' forum to 'NAV Three Tier' forum]
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • engsiong75engsiong75 Member Posts: 143
    Hi everyone

    I manage to make the shortcut key work on IBM and HP machines.

    I found that this a common Dell problem with the users, it does not fail for all Dell laptops. The worst part of the issue is that it is not a Navision problem as the Dell machines are not able to use Ctrl+Alt+F1 as a shortcut at all on the laptop. You can try it on the desktop shortcuts.

    Thank you,

    Tan Eng Siong
  • BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
    asus works, too...
    and now i finally understood why that shortcut does not work on my colleague's dell laptop, thank you for the info!
    too bad, ctrlaltf1 is the only way to zoom a subpage :thumbsdown:
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  • engsiong75engsiong75 Member Posts: 143
    Hi Folks

    The shortcut key for the Dell laptops is Ctrl+Alt+Win Key+F1. Try it out if Ctrl+Alt+F1 fails.

    Thank you,

    Tan Eng Siong
  • cbuettnercbuettner Member Posts: 1
    @engsiong75: thx for this great hint!

    Also works on Lenovo ThinkPads.
  • sudhakarsvsudhakarsv Member Posts: 100
    Dear All,

    In one of my client desktop machine F8 key is not working on RTC as well Classic.
    SCL machine with winXP as a OS.
  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    When a shortcut key does not work in NAV, it is usually mapped to something else. (either a special function from the laptop, a voip program that answers calls, an instant messenger, any program that responds to input even when it is minimized or in the background)
    |Pressing F1 is so much faster than opening your browser|
  • sudhakarsvsudhakarsv Member Posts: 100
    Hi Sog,
    When a shortcut key does not work in NAV, it is usually mapped to something else. (either a special function from the laptop, a voip program that answers calls, an instant messenger

    No external applications are installed except MS Office on desktop.
    In windows applications(eg.word,excel etc.) F8 key is working fine.
    Others keys are working fine in NAV as well,but F8 key is not working in NAV.
  • Member Posts: 543
    Did you try WindowsKey + F8 ?
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