Purge Or Delete Posted Credit Memos

samyoongsamyoong Member Posts: 20
Hi there,

Any way we can purge/ or delete Posted Credit Memo from the systen?
NAV5 Standard only consist of Delete Invoiced Purchase Order,,and other order.
There isnt any function to purge posted CN or Invoice from the table?

Note: Date Compress is only for ledgers.
User is concern as they have heavey transactions for CN, which eventually will burdern their Server.
Shall there other area i should concern about if we customized a function to delete Posted transaction [Which consist of ledgers] beside of navigation will have issue?



  • BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
    How do you know that Credit memos is the problem of the performance issues?
    In my opinion IF the problem of the customer is slow posting, deleting posted credit memos is the last of your problems...
    but you should give further informations on what is the problem, for example
    -Hardware info
    -DB size
    -no. of concurrent users
    -where is the performance issue
    "Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
    My Blog
  • David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    Credit memos can be deleted. Just go to one and hit F4 to confirm this. Just make sure any automation does the testing as in table 114 and you should be fine. (or just call delete(TRUE))
    David Singleton
  • BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
    Credit memos can be deleted. Just go to one and hit F4 to confirm this. Just make sure any automation does the testing as in table 114 and you should be fine. (or just call delete(TRUE))
    Just be sure that this is legal...in italy, AFAIK, it is not...our italian localization has this in the ondelete trigger of the table
    Anyway, if it is performance your problem, the deletion will probably not solve your problem
    "Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
    My Blog
  • samyoongsamyoong Member Posts: 20
    Hi there ,,

    No doubt HW,DB & other could help to solve performance issue. What in the customer expectation was in any system there must have capabilities to Add, Edit and delete POSTEd records.

    My customer have been using NAV since version 3.0+. With 30+ branches in their retails, CN that have been settles should be able to remove from the system and release the burden on their server.

    Note: CN will be their only posted documents "Stuck" in the system, other transactions all bring in as Journals line & posted as ledgers]

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