Customer Ststements

supp85supp85 Member Posts: 76
Hi All,

I am using standard Customer Statements in NAV2009 however the 'Balance' column is showing incorrectly for customers who have made part payments it seems to be adding up the amount coloumn as supposed to the remaining amount giving an incorrect balance. For example:

Orginal Amt Remaining Amt Balance
-1000 -500 -1000 Payment
-1000 -1000 -2000 Payment
-1000 -1000 -3000 Payment
5000 5000 2000 Inv

Total 2500 2000

2500 is the correct balance. Does anyone know whether this is a bug / issue with statements?

Thank you in advance


  • supp85supp85 Member Posts: 76
    I have had a look at the report and there is code within the DtldCustLedgEntries - OnAfterGetRecord() as follows:

    IF PrintLine THEN
    CustBalance := CustBalance + Amount;

    I have changed this to:

    IF PrintLine THEN
    CustBalance := CustBalance + "Remaining Amount";

    The balance is now showing correctly.
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