Rounding Amount LCY at 3 Decimals - Customers and Vendors

hawks2008hawks2008 Member Posts: 2
What setting is required to ensure the amounts LCY. AUD is LCY.
in any ledger are only ever calculated to 2 decimal places.
Currency settings are shown below.

Field Value
Currency Code USD
Amount -1,662
Remaining Amount -1,662
Original Amt. (LCY) 0
Remaining Amt. (LCY) -1,846.482
Amount (LCY) -1,846.482
Purchase (LCY) -1,846.482 ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

Field Value Value
Last Date Modified 28/05/2010 28/05/2010
Last Date Adjusted
Unrealised Gains Acc. 7310
Realised Gains Acc. 7330
Unrealised Losses Acc. 7320
Realised Losses Acc. 7340
Invoice Rounding Precision 0.01 0.01
Invoice Rounding Type Nearest Nearest
Amount Rounding Precision 0.01 0.01
Unit-Amount Rounding Precision 0.01 0.01
Description US-dollar Australian dollar acct
Amount Decimal Places 2:02 2:02
Unit-Amount Decimal Places 2:02 2:02
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