TCP/IP error ECONNREFUSED after starting NAS server 2009 SP1

Vincent1970Vincent1970 Member Posts: 2
Hello forum,

I have a big problem! I have installed Navision Application Server version 2009 SP1 but get the following message in the eventlog after starting the NAS server service (Native version NOT the SQL):
The TCP/IP Connection's 'host' in not answering(TCP/IP error ECONNREFUSED).
I have add entries in the HOSTS en SERVICES file on the server. Like:

HOSTS: Navision2009Test

Navision2009Test 6002/tcp

With a Navision client I connect without any problems on the server as well as on a client pc when I use the parameters servername=Navision2009Test, nettype=TCP

In the snap-in I use exactly the same parameters, but there seams to be a problem with TCP/IP? I use a portscan to see if port 6002 is occupied by another process, but it's not. It's possible to ping SERVERNAME, ping and ping Navision2009Test and I get the expected answers, so no problem there...

Further on I tried also:
a. access problems on C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc folder - no access problems...
b. User Nas_User is the Log On as of the NAS service and is domain user and has access rights to the Navision2009Test database.
c. To use not the "SERVERNAME" but instead the IP number - no changes at all, same message.
d. Firewall??? Maybe...but It's possible to connect from another PC with a Navision client.

I tried a lot but nothing helps. It looks I have been tricked by the message and something else is going wrong....


  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,116
    Did you check this :
    BTW: I think it is because the NAS is using Windowslogin and the login of the NAS has no login rights into NAV. You need to change the service-login from System/network to a valid login that has rights to login into NAV.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • gabrinesgabrines Member Posts: 1
    You may also try to use the native DB Classic client.

    Try to start the "Mirosoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Classic with Microsoft SQL Server" instead.

    Hope that helps!

    Gabriel N.
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