when i trying to post consumption journal it reflects Error " Positive Must Be no in Item Ledger Entry"
waiting for reply.........
I sent a request to PC&C when they were moving from DOS to Windows, that in the Windows version they needed to revise all the TESTFIELD error messages, but no luck, so after all these years I guess we are stuck with it.
Positive must be no means the entry is expected to be negative.
Unless you hit a Navision bug, you probably have custom code generating the entry, and the flag is set incorrectly.
In the reservation table, the positive field is part of the primary key, so having it set correctly is very important.
Check your Remaining Qty. in ILE and you can find the code in CodeUnit 22, Function :: PostConsumption() --> InsertConsumpEntry --> PostItem--> ItemQtyposting --> ApplyItemLedgEntry
I sent a request to PC&C when they were moving from DOS to Windows, that in the Windows version they needed to revise all the TESTFIELD error messages, but no luck, so after all these years I guess we are stuck with it.
Its not really English is it.
http://midynav.blogspot.com/ (Microsoft Dynamics Navision)
Unless you hit a Navision bug, you probably have custom code generating the entry, and the flag is set incorrectly.
In the reservation table, the positive field is part of the primary key, so having it set correctly is very important.