putting a picture in a report!! PLEASE HELP

demi222demi222 Member Posts: 131
I am a new programmer and I mean NEW! I am trying to put a picture in a report, and can't do it. I have imported the JPG file into the Picture Table. Please tell me step by step what I need to do...


  • janpieterjanpieter Member Posts: 298
    Navision cannot handle JPG files. You must convert the picture to BMP first. Look in the downloadsection for tools to do this.

    There are also a lot of topics about this issue. Do a search and you will find more info.
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  • demi222demi222 Member Posts: 131
    Now my picture is in BMP form and I have imported it to the Picture table.
    When I put a picture box on my report... how can I make it see my picture?
  • ArhontisArhontis Member Posts: 667

    Place a picture box on the corresponding section and link the SourceExpr
    to the Picture field ie: "Company Information".Picture
  • medostmedost Member Posts: 10
    ... and you have to add a Line the code

    Then it should work.
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