Item tracking error in purchase order line quantity!!!!!!!

southindiansouthindian Member Posts: 247
in a purchase order ...... there are three line in purchase lines .. Say for example there are Quantity 24, 80,120.frist line qty is 24,Second is 80. Here comes the senario.... that second is greater than the frist 80 > 24,when comes to third 120.... the system is totalling the frist and second n checks wheather third qty entered is greater or what.... eg : 120> 104(24+80).if it greater it is not throwing Item Tracking error.Else it is throwing Item Tracking error instead of 120 if i enter throwing Item tracking error like

Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision
Item tracking defined for the Purchase Line accounts for more than the quantity you have entered.
You must adjust the existing item tracking and then reenter the new quantity.

They had done some customization in the form for item tracking ..... but am confused and am trying right from morning..... but not got anything................... kindly guide me.......


  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    Sounds like they forgot to filter on line number when checking the item tracking. I would get in touch with your NAV partner and have them correct the issue.
  • southindiansouthindian Member Posts: 247
    #-o I dint get you sir.......
  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    When you enter the quantity, the code should ONLY be checking the item tracking for the current line. Instead it is counting up the item tracking for the entire order. This is most likely because the code was not properly written to filter on the line number when totaling the item tracking.

    Get with your NAV partner. Explain the situation. It will require a code change to fix it.
  • vijay_gvijay_g Member Posts: 884
    eg.: instead of 120 if i enter throwing Item tracking error like
    matttrax wrote:
    Sounds like they forgot to filter on line number when checking the item tracking. I would get in touch with your NAV partner and have them correct the issue.

    As far As my knowledge i think the sound looking something different rather than line no. filter.
  • southindiansouthindian Member Posts: 247
    am more confused regarding this error ... can any body tell me wat is the sulution where to track... I had found coding in reservation Management (Codeunit) .... seperate Item tracking coding has been written where there is checking for two condition Quantitytorelease should be greater than zero and Item tracking handling should be none ... if block these to code ... form is running fine in this............ i need suggestion.. wheather the thing i did is ok
  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    NAV 2009 SP1 IN Version works just fine. No problem as you mentioned have been encountered during testing and implementation. I have recently implemented serial number tracking and I can see lot of examples like you have mentioned. There was no problems either in Order creation or in posting.

    Check standard db and then check the modification you might have done in your db.
    CA Sandeep Singla
  • southindiansouthindian Member Posts: 247
    Am facing a problem regarding the Item tracking ..... In purchase order there are third line.... in that lines frist quantity is 10, second quantity is 12...... when am trying to enter the third line quantity as 10 .... it is popping up the following error......

    Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision
    Item tracking defined for the Purchase Line accounts for more than the quantity you have entered.
    You must adjust the existing item tracking and then reenter the new quantity.

    system trying to add the quantity of each line and checking wheather the quantity which is about to be entered is greater.

    for eg::

    frist is 10 second is 12

    10+12= 22 . when am trying to enter third quantity which is 10 ... it is popping up an Item tracking error not alowwing to enter quantity value less than the total value of 22 (10 +12). if am entering more than 22 it is accepting the errror is not popping up....

    I had gone through the code by debugging it .... I had found that there is a code written for Item tracking in reservation management (Codeunit)... where they are checking condition for this error....

    F HandleItemTracking THEN
    IF QtyToRelease <> 0 THEN BEGIN
    IF ItemTrackingHandling = ItemTrackingHandling::None THEN
    IF DeleteAll THEN BEGIN
    IF ItemTrackingHandling = ItemTrackingHandling::Match THEN

    If am blocking this code (but i had not did it till now in LIVE DB)... it is not throwing error .... i think it is default navision standared code... i need to wheather i need to block the above code(i dont think so) ... i dint get where it is actualling suming the quantity, instead of counting .... an any body can give a proper solution.... kindly expecting your help... as am breaking my head on this issue for the past 2 days..... please advice me......

    Thanks in advance
  • southindiansouthindian Member Posts: 247
    is any body there to resolve my query.... there is no one to give solution to me
  • southindiansouthindian Member Posts: 247
    nobody is there to give suggestion..... kindly expecting your advice..... [-(
  • rsfairbanksrsfairbanks Member Posts: 107
    I'd suggest follow this advice
    ssingla wrote:
    Check standard db and then check the modification you might have done in your db.

    or get the person who did the modification to correct it.
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