Analysis Reporting - Date filter - column layout

SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
I'm having problems with designing the column layout for an analysis view.
I want to show the revenue of the current period, the previous period and a difference in percentages based on the date filter.

I've already have the current period and the difference in percent, but I don't know how to select the previous period.
I want the previous period based on the date filter instead of the previous period in the fiscal year.

For Example if the date filter is 02/01/2010..03/01/2010 I want the formula for the second column to be the previous period: 01/01/2010..02/01/2010.
If the filter changes to 02/01/2010..02/07/2010, the second filter should be 01/24/2010..01/31/2010
Is this possible without customisation?

[edit for readability]

[edit N° 2] Even a simple yes-no will help version NAV 5.0 SP1
[Edit n° 3] I don't want to start customizing before I got an answer. Is there really no one who knows this?
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  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    Really, no one knows this? I don't think it's an unheard question. Then I'll just start customizing.
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  • hawkeyehawkeye Member Posts: 51
    It must be possible to use the formula field, the Comparison Date Formula field or the Comparison Period Formula field in the Column layout.

    Maybe there are some examples in the CRONUS-Company or in Help.



    Edit: - I´ve found this from Help, It should do the trick

    Comparison Period Formula Field
    The Column Layout Table

    This field contains a period formula that specifies which accounting periods should be used to calculate the amount in this column. An accounting period does not have to match the calendar, but each fiscal year must have the same number of accounting periods, even though each period can be different in length.

    The program uses the period formula to calculate the amount from the comparison period in relation to the period represented by the date filter on the report request. The comparison period is based on the period of the start date of the date filter. The abbreviations for period specifications are:


    Last period of a fiscal year, half-year or quarter.

    Current period of a fiscal year, half-year or quarter.

    Fiscal year. For example, FY[1..3] denotes first quarter of the current fiscal year

    Examples of formulas:

    Current period

    Previous period

    Entire previous fiscal year

    Current period in previous fiscal year

    First quarter of previous fiscal year

    From the beginning of previous fiscal year to current period in previous fiscal year, inclusive

    From current period in previous fiscal year to last period of previous fiscal year, inclusive
  • SogSog Member Posts: 1,023
    I really appreciate your help, but unfortunatly that only compares the Periods specified in accounting.
    As I specified in the starting post
    I want the previous period based on the date filter instead of the previous period in the fiscal year.
    The periods are the ones defined in table 50 "Accounting Period".

    So I guess the conclusion is that it is not possible without customisation.

    Customisation finished, now the clients can edit their column record in the period formula field with a DF instead of P token.
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  • pavpav Member Posts: 1

    I am currently working on Account Schedules for our customer. He wants to compare this year period and last year period. My column setup works for standard periods - year, quarter, month. When I enter non standard period - 2 month or quarter but let say from feb to april, it doesn't work correctly.

    I am interested in your solution for your problem as I believe it might solve mine also. Could you, please describe your solution?

    Thank you very much for the answer.
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