Group Withing Report on Tempory Table

jeremyr264jeremyr264 Member Posts: 4
Hi everyone,
To start, I am a very new Navision user trying to design what appears to be a rather complicated report, so please bear with me. What I am trying to do is list all of our sales from the Sales Invoice Line table grouped by item number for a specific posted date range and by contract number. This is where it gets tricky because Contract is a table that was added for us by our solution center, and the contract number field is on the Sales Invoice Header, along with the posting date that I need. For instance, I would need the report to look like the following:

Contract #
Invoice No., Posted Date, Item No., Description, Qty, Unit Price, Amt. Including VAT
Invoice No., Posted Date, Item No., Description, Qty, Unit Price, Amt. Including VAT
SubTotals Qty, Amt. Including VAT
Contract #2.....

So far, here is what my report looks like
.Sales Invoice Header
..Sales Invoice Line

And when I preview the report the data is there, but it is not grouped together by the item number. What do I need to do to achieve this?


  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    could you report also look like this?


    Contract -> XYZ (group)
    --- Sales Invoice -> No and Date (order by No, no group)
    Sales Inv Line -> Item No, and the other fields (group by Item no, order by Item no)

    or must it look like
    Contract XYZ (Group)
    -- Item no, Sales Inv No, Sales Inv Date, Other fields (group by Item No)


    if it could look like (1), no problem.
    If it must look like (2) have the options:
    1. Store also the Contract No. in the Sales Inv. Lines / Sales Line / Sales Cr. memo Line / Sales Shipt. Line / Sales Rec. Line (like the field Sell-To customer no.)
    so you can also group (if you create then also a key in these tabels)
    2. u can store the datas in a temp. Table in the order u need the grouping and show this temp table in the INTEGER Dataitem

    Do you make it right, it works too!
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